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Grow Your Church With Your Own Personal Church Marketing Concierge 

"As a pastor, you don't have to wear every hat in the church.
Doesn't it make more sense to focus on what is most important?"

"Effective Church Marketing that produces results does not require all your spare time as a pastor, nor does it require a full-time paid position at your church that can start at $45k a year."


"In my over 25 years of working with churches, I usually see churches fall into one of three categories:"

  1. New Church Launch - There is a great deal of work that goes into the front end of a new church launch, and there are no premade marketing templates to fit every church. Every church is different, and every community is diverse. They require different marketing approaches. Usually, these pastors are often too occupied with administrative duties to put the time in to research their areas and develop a sound marketing plan for the church launch and beyond.

  2. Small to Medium Established Church - These churches can be growing or stalled. The problem is they don't have a dedicated marketing point person. They may have tasked a volunteer to handle these duties or added this duty to another church staff such as a worship director or youth minister. Either way, they don't have the money in the budget to get an experienced church marketing professional to do this job right for them.

  3. Large Church - These churches usually have a paid staff position to manage outreach, communications, and marketing. They handle their own in-house creatives and purchase their media buys from a variety of sources. However, they lack the buying power of a larger publishing group that can save them money on their print needs.

You do not have to go it alone. No matter the size or history of your church, a partnership with a Church Marketing Concierge can help you reach your church growth goals!




Over 25 years experience working one - on - one with church leaders, communications directors, and outreach coordinators to provide sound biblical marketing advice, guidance and solutions  to church growth needs.




Over 25 years experience workingone-on-one with church leaders, communications directors, and outreach coordinators to provide sound biblical marketing advice, guidance and solutions  to church growth needs.




Over 25 years experience workingone-on-one with church leaders, communications directors, and outreach coordinators to provide sound biblical marketing advice, guidance and solutions  to church growth needs.




Over 25 years experience workingone-on-one with church leaders, communications directors, and outreach coordinators to provide sound biblical marketing advice, guidance and solutions  to church growth needs.




Over 25 years experience workingone-on-one with church leaders, communications directors, and outreach coordinators to provide sound biblical marketing advice, guidance and solutions  to church growth needs.

What Does a Church Marketing Concierge Do? Imagine having your own personal church marketing coach and your own church marketing company at your disposal.

It's Economics 101 

  • Have your own "off-site" church marketing position.

  • Get thousands of dollars in church marketing services.

  • Save hundreds of dollars on products you already purchase.

  • All for a fraction of the cost of a full-time or part-time paid staff position. 

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