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John Squiric

"Fisher of Men"
Author of 

“Church marketing is the action of spreading or
promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the
use of various types of communication, media, or
strategies to capture attention, engage, educate,
and finally persuade people to take action.”


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Developing & Implementing

A Biblical Marketing Strategy for Church Growth


Do you have a biblical worldview? A biblical worldview simply means we as Christians view life through the lens of God's inspired Word. The Bible is (or should be) the basis and foundation for all decisions made by pastors, church leaders, and everyone seeking to follow Jesus.

  • Marketing Like God is NOT about lofty ideas, elaborate marketing plans, overpriced branding packages, or the "next new thing" in church marketing.

  • Marketing Like God IS about how to use PROVEN biblical principles and strategies to be real as a church and how to contact people right where they are to show them the value the local church can have in their lives and in their families.

The Bible Can and Should Inform Our Marketing Decisions.  If you are LEADING a church, WORKING in a church, or GO to church, you ARE a marketer... whether you think so or not is irrelevant.

The only questions to ask yourself are:

  1. Do my methods honor God?

  2. Am I accomplishing through my marketing what I desire?

  3. Are my actions bringing people closer to God or pushing them away?

Successful Church Marketing is not about products. Successful Church Marketing is about people and how to use biblical principles to attract them and ultimately bring them into a relationship with Jesus.


What Others Have to Say About Marketing Like God!

John Squiric knows both God and marketing...For many, the word “marketing” stands at odds with the biblical mission of the church. But this is a mistake. John demonstrates with both Scripture and real-world examples that marketing is both biblical and effective. So, if you are a leader in ministry, invest in your future and learn how to market like God.

A “must” manual for every church community that wants to recover from the Covid lockdown. How will we fill our churches again? This book offers step by step guidance on how to get local church communities vibrant again. Prayers may help, but sound, biblical based marketing tools, will be vital.

John Squiric's new book teaches church leaders effective tactics to fill their parking lots using Biblically sound methodologies that have repeatedly proven effective in building church communities. Marketing Like God is full of Squiric's hard-won marketing expertise earned through executing thousands of print, mail, and digital campaigns for churches all over the United States. 




In The Press



I have been working in the field of marketing since 1992. I have a degree in psychology, and I have learned through trial and error, and from hundreds of pastors, that I have been blessed to work with over the years. I have been helping churches and secular companies do marketing right for over 25 years of marketing experience whom God asked to throw his net on the other side of the boat.

To date, my company has sent over one hundred million invitations in local communities around the United States, inviting people to church. We have helped hundreds of churches learn to attract the unchurched and draw the formerly churched back to church. 

My goal in writing this book is to help you and your church effectively reach your community, bringing the broken and hurting into a relationship with Jesus Christ and ultimately grow the local church.


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Saturday, November 7th, 2020

9AM - 4PM

1 Day -1 Goal
Give Back to Planters and Pastors

Hosted by Encounter Church

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© 2021 by John Squiric
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